We'll See Her Again

Losing your mother is the hardest thing to do
But knowing she's with Jesus makes it easier for you.

I've loved your mother dearly for many long years
If I could, I'd hold you and wipe away all your tears.

Oh but one day if our hearts are right with Him
We'll be able to see her once again.

Imagine the look on her sweet face
When by her side we take our place.

She will welcome us to those golden streets
And say it's so good that once again we can meet.

We'll spend eternity praising our Lord so dear
Oh and I want a hug, so kids come here.

With outstretched arms she'll be so lovely to see
And I'll remember what she's always meant to me

She'll be there with others we've longed for over the years
We'll all be with Jesus, there'll be no more tears.

In Memory Of My Cousin Helen

Copyright By: Carrie Kinyon  Nov. 2013


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