Praying Dads


Praying Dads

How blessed you are if your dad is one
Who seeks the Lord above.
And always shows himself to be
One filled with Godly love.

Praise the Lord for praying Dads
Unashamed to fall to their knees.
Who answers the call, what 'ere it may be
Always ready their God to please.

A praying Dad cares about his family
He'll lead them in the way that's right.
He cares about their every need
And he'll guide them to the Light.

When you count your blessings one by one
When you're thankful to God above.
Remember your dad down on his knees
Asking God to bestow on you, His love.

Praise the Lord for praying dads
What greater blessing could you need.
He'll dry your tears, and soothe your hurts
And to his Savior, he'll always heed.

Copyright By: Carrie Kinyon  2011

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Song:  Window Up Above
Written and recorded by: Claude Hess
Claude's music can be found on this web site 

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