Waiting For His Mansion

Waiting For His Mansion


He spent much of his life
Not living right.
You could find him carousing
And drinking most every night.

He sounded like George Jones when he'd sing
He'd play that guitar with the best of them.
Not thinking about any of the things
God would one day require of him.

His Mother stayed on her knees
Crying out to her Father above.
Save my boy, don't let him be lost
So  powerful is a mother's love.

Then one day God spoke to his heart
He fell to his knees in prayer
God in His mercy, changed his life
As he was kneeling there.

I've seen such a humbling in his life
You could tell, listening to him sing.
He was no longer singing  for the world
But to his Lord and his King.

Now he awaits, as the Lord is preparing
The mansion where he will live
I'm so proud to call him my brother
As my love and prayers I give.

Written by: Carrie Kinyon 

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Song: Heaven's Dream
Written, copyrighted and recorded by: Claude Hess

Music is strictly for your listening pleasure
Please do not copy from this site.  Thank you.

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I pray for a miracle for Claude, but I know he's ready to meet his maker.