This Is Not Goodbye

Carrie Kinyon & Brother: 
Pete Hess (gone but never forgotten)


This is not Goodbye

I went to say goodbye to my brother,
Only an earthly goodbye, you see.
For there is a land beyond the sky,
Where my loved ones wait for me.

Mom and Dad, and  siblings gone on before,
Sally, the best friend I've ever known.
When I'm missing them and the tears start to fall,
I remember, They are not really gone!

For they live within this heart of mine,
There's a place there for each of them.
When I said goodbye, it was really so long,
For I'll see them all again.

Our family was big, but it's getting small,
It's enough to give you a broken heart.
But God in His mercy has made a way,
One day we'll never again part.

Written by: Carrie Kinyon 3/27/2009

Written to honor the memory of my brother:
 Pete Hess
Dec. 26, 1934 - Mar. 14, 2009

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Top picture was put together by: Gloria Collins