You Make My World Complete


I drove that day to Wendy's
Where we'd meet for the first time
I took one look into your eyes
And knew that you'd be mine.

A love so strong right from the start
And gets stronger every year
My life's complete and happy now
Because of you, my dear.

Something very special happened
On January the third.
Words we spoke before the preacher
Were the sweetest I'd ever heard.

Remember when she asked you
If you'd take me for your bride.
When you said you would
I remember that I cried.

But those tears were tears of joy
You make my world complete
That's why those little words
To me seemed so very sweet.

When you tell me that you love me
I see in your eyes, it's true.
With all my heart and soul
I'll be forever loving you.

Happy 6th. Anniversary Honey!
I love you!

Written for the best husband a girl 
could ever hope for, thanks honey 
for loving me. God bless you.

Written by:  Carrie Kinyon  1/3/2006   


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