Is Anyone Able?

To take away the hurt

When I'm sad, lonely and blue,

Is anyone able to guide my steps

When I don't know what to do?


Is anyone able to cleanse my heart

And make me pure and clean,

To give me rest when I'm so tired

Is there anyone on whom I can lean?


Is anyone able to meet my needs

When I am down and out,

Is anyone able to calm this storm

And stop all the worry and doubt?


Is anyone able to deliver me

From all my addictions and pain,

Then a voice whispered in my ear

My child, that's why I came.


I'll forgive your sins and give you love

I'll break the bonds that bind,

Just open your heart and let me in

Sweet peace and rest you will find.


I'll never leave, I'll hold your hand

I'll give you strength to stand,

I'll give you grace for each new day

For I am the GREAT  I  AM!





Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon  july 31, 2024


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics